Sunday, January 16, 2011

it's finally warm enough to play outside

We've been stuck inside for weeks thanks to mother nature's temper tantrums.  She's dumped so much snow and ice on us that we were getting stir crazy.  Finally, the temps got into the 50s this weekend and we took advantage of it by going to one of the many wonderful parks in our little town.  I really can't believe that the dude is getting so big he can climb up the play ground equipment and go down the slides all by himself!  There was an adorable 3 year old boy at the park, whose parents had just adopted him from China a few weeks ago.  He and the dude had a blast racing up the stairs and going down the slides.  One of them would stand at the bottom of the slide and clap for the other one as he went down.  The other child didn't speak English, but it was wonderful to see them playing without a care in the world ~ grownups really could learn a lesson or two from toddlers.

p.s. no children were harmed in the making of this video!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bet i have watched this video 10 times and gigggled every time,such fun---kisses from gigi